Hi there! I'm Leonora, and my journey as a commercial photographer started in the charming city of Charlotte, North Carolina. Design, advertising, and beauty are where my heart beats. It's a blessing to weave these passions together and make them the cornerstone of my life's work!

As a commercial photographer, I've had the privilege of working with a diverse range of clients, from local businesses to national brands. Each shoot presents its own unique challenges and opportunities. Whether I'm working with a big-name brand or a local business, my goal is always the same: to create images that tell a story in a way that's vibrant, engaging, and impossible to ignore.

Armed with a strong foundation in technical lighting skills and a passion for pushing the boundaries of creativity, I bring a fresh perspective to every shoot, infusing each image with a splash of color and a touch of humor.

Whether you're launching a new product, refreshing your brand image, or simply looking to add a pop of color to your website, let's work together to create something truly unforgettable!

You can reach me at:
